My Story
“I believe it’s so important to communicate in a way that clients can relate to, so they know what we’re doing and how it will affect them.”
I started my massage journey at the Blue Sky School of Massage in Grafton, Wis., in 1999. I found it fascinating that Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) was so effective and that with just my hands and knowledge of anatomy, I could do so much! I was also surprised to learn about my own postural abnormalities and how they were causing the symptoms I had experienced playing sports. After learning I could heal myself, I was hooked.
I practice outcome-based massage, sometimes referred to as medical massage. Goal-oriented treatment focuses on finding the root cause of pain. I treat not only the area of the primary injury, but also the areas of dysfunction that caused the pain. My clients are often surprised — as I was — that their own postural abnormalities or habits have had a big role in causing their primary injury.
I communicate with other health care professionals (physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors) on your recovery team to ensure that you receive cohesive care. My goal is to help you resolve your issue as quickly and effectively as possible.I like to teach my clients about their particular problem. I have a deep knowledge of massage — specifically NMT, anatomy and trigger point therapy — but feel that when clients understand their own dysfunction, they are better able to avoid future injury.