helping you resolve your issue as quickly and effectively as possible.


Sam Riddle, LMT

I practice outcome-based massage, sometimes referred to as medical massage. Goal-oriented treatment focuses on finding the root cause of pain. I treat not only the area of the primary injury, but also the areas of dysfunction that caused the pain. My clients are often surprised — as I was — that their own postural abnormalities or habits have had a big role in causing their primary injury.

Options and services

Current Rates

30 Min $70

60 Min $120


common conditions, and some specialty areas


Athletic Injury & Injury Prevention

Jaw Pain /TMJD (Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction)

Postural Analysis

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Sports Injuries

Surgical Recovery

Low Back Pain and Hip/Pelvic Dysfunction